Saturday, March 18, 2017

Performance Task Making

         Projects, assignments, or homework are all inevitable things in a student’s life. These things help us students by means of enhancing our thinking and capabilities, making us more competent individuals.  We also learn new things every time we do our assignments and projects. These two also open new horizons for us students.
         One of our performance tasks in ICT is to make a project that will serve for the purpose of disseminating information about the different matters on computer hardware servicing. Our teacher assigned specific topics for each group. For us, Group 1, we have to make a project that involves information about the different hand tools and their respective uses. Our teacher gave a certain date that will be allotted for the creation of our projects which was March 16, 2017.
         Our group leader assigned each one of us a job to do. My task was to provide the descriptions and information about the hand tools as well as the decorations. We were distracted at first while doing our project because some of our classmates were watching an anime movie. The story was intriguing, though, that is why we can’t concentrate on doing our task. We left the classroom after a few minutes because a certain class from Grade 11 will occupy it. We continued on doing our project outside the classroom. We were a bit stressed because our class will perform a dance presentation in the gym after the last period in the afternoon. Even though the tension was already present, our group still managed to do our project. We continued on doing our project the following day which was March 17, 2017 and eventually, we finished it.
           The whole experience of creating our performance task in ICT was like a roller coaster ride. It was challenging but fun considering also that the school year is about to end. The activity also gave me a chance to bond with my classmates. From the whole experience, I can say that teamwork is really important in creating group tasks. If your group is cohesive enough, you’ll surely overcome the challenges and problems present and finish your tasks. I also learned that concentration is very important while doing tasks of any kind. Having a preoccupied mind can be sometimes or always disturbing in a sense that it prevents us from giving our best shot in doing our tasks. Lastly, I learned from the experience the importance of time management. We should practice proper time management because it can help us in doing our tasks effectively and efficiently.

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