Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Safety precautions are very important in handling different tools. We always need to practice the proper handling of tools for safety purposes and also, for the preservation of these tools.

Proper Tool Selection

Tools range from a traditional metal cutting part of a machine to an element of a computer program that activates and controls a particular function.

The following tips can help us in selecting tools:

1. Use a certain tool or equipment according to its functionality and purpose.

2. Your own judgment and perception can affect your ability to handle different tools.

Keep these in mind!

  • Familiarize, know, and understand all the details with regards to the flow and scope of the work that you want to achieve or attain.
  • Thorough planning is very important and necessary. Stick to your plan and remember your objectives.
The Safety Procedures in Handling Different Tools and Equipment 

A worker must always be aware of the task he must accomplish so that he would know the tools to use. Choosing the correct tools for a specific task will reduce the chance of inflicting bodily injuries. Selecting the wrong tool may damage the tool itself and harm the user.

The following tips can help us in handling and utilizing these tools:
  • Know the uses of each tool.
  • Use a certain tool or all the tools only if it/ they is/ are needed.
  • Label each tool for easy identification.
  • Keep the tools away from kids and children.
  • Always properly store and hide the tools in a safe and secured place. 
  • Keep your tools in a toolbox. 
  • Know the functionality of each tool beforehand. Don't use a certain tool if is damaged.
  • Always observe your workplace.
  • Observe proper posture.
  • Always handle and use your tools with care.
KEEP IN MIND: Occupational safety and health procedures are not the sole task of the management. Everyone in the workplace must be vigilant and smart so that accidents and unwanted damages will be avoided.

Procedures in Cleaning, Tightening, and Simple Repair of Some Computer Hardware Servicing Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia

Hand tools and equipment are subjected to different levels of abuse while in use. These abuses may result in the tools being dirty, loosely connected or even damaged. Before using any tool or equipment, it is a must that they be inspected properly to ensure that they are operational and safe.

One basic thing to remember to keep hand tools, equipment and paraphernalia clean is to make sure that the workplace is properly organized.

  • The work area must always be kept neat and tidy.
  • All tools and equipment must be placed in a clean and dry place.
  • Clean tools and equipment work more efficiently. This lessens the effort needed to operate them and reduces the possibility of mishaps.
  • Before cleaning any tool, be sure to wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Gloves, masks and goggles are usually worn when cleaning tools since most cleaning agents and solutions are harmful to the human body.
  • Only use cleaning agents as prescribed by the tool or equipment’s manufacturer. Follow the cleaning procedures as well to make sure that no damage will be inflicted on the tools.
  • Cleaning the tools after use is highly recommended.
  • Tools with moving parts often suffer loosening of its parts. This is normal since these segments keep on moving. A tool with loose parts will not function properly and may cause injuries.
  • Gripping tools such as pliers is an example that needs tightening. A pliers' rivet must be well tightened to be able to grip properly.
  • Lubricants must also be applied after tightening to reduce the friction.
  • Driving tools’ handles must also be tightened to reduce hand strain when turning. A loosely connected handle will make it almost impossible to use it.

In doing simple repair of tools, make sure that you are knowledgeable in doing so. Repairing tools without sufficient skills may result to further damage or inflict injuries to the fixer. Small repairs like tightening, sharpening and changing of handles may not require special skills to do. Power tools and specialized equipment on the other hand may require specialized skills in repairing. It is recommended that complicated tools and equipment be brought to the authorized service center. If a tool or equipment is beyond repair, it must be disposed properly.

KEEP IN MIND: It is the responsibility of everyone to maintain the good operating condition of all the hand tools, equipment and paraphernalia in the workplace. Since these tools help in the completion of the different job requirements, keeping them well preserved will make work easier and more efficient.  

  Common Malfunction in Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia

The proper use of tools, equipment and paraphernalia will greatly increase efficiency and occupational safety in a workplace. Having the proper knowledge and skills in using such tools is needed in order to operate and use them effectively. But more often than not, problems and malfunctions may arise while using these tools. These malfunctions can be minimized by exercising careful usage of the tools.

Malfunctions and other unplanned and unusual event may not be totally eliminated, but it can surely be minimized.Listed below are some of the malfunctions and unplanned events when using the different tools in completing a job requirement:

The following are some of the malfunctions and unplanned events when using the different tools in completing a job requirement (continued):

  • When using a driving tool, screws may slip the tip of the screw driver. This happens when the screw driver is not properly aligned with drive of the screw’s head. This can be minimized by making sure that the tip of the screw driver is well secured in the drive of the screw’s head. Using a screw driver with a magnetized tip can also help minimize this type of malfunction.
  • Small objects tend to fall down when being held by a gripping tool like pliers. This usually happens when the jaws of the pliers are blunt, thus making it hard to hold on things. This can be prevented by making sure that gripping tools have well maintained jaws that can grasp objects properly.
Listed below are some of the malfunctions and unplanned events when using the different tools in completing a job requirement (continued):
  • The use of striking tools also imposes a great threat if there will be a malfunction. Common hazards are heads separating away from the handle. This could cause severe injuries to anyone. To avoid this type of accident, the handle of a striking tool must be tightly attached to its head.
  • Mishaps in using cutting tools is also dangerous. Malfunctions may arise from slippage of the material to be cut. This may also happen if a cutting tool is not sharp enough. These unplanned events will cause laceration and wounds to the user. To avoid this, cutting tools must always be kept sharp.
  • Power tools also impose danger during mishaps. Common problems are electrical short circuiting or mechanical problems. Malfunctioning power tools may cause electrocution and even decapitation of the limbs. These accidents can be avoided by making sure that all power tools are well maintained and are in fit operating condition.
  • Diagnostic tools may not impose a threat to the well-being of a worker but inaccurate reading may compromise the completion of a job requirement. Inaccurate reading may occur if a diagnostic tool is not properly calibrated. To avoid this, a regular calibration to all diagnostic tools must be done.
  • There is certainly no absolute way to avoid any unforeseen malfunctions.
  • The only way to minimize them is to have the appropriate knowledge in using the different tools.
  • Proper inspection and assessment of tools must also be practiced to ensure the safety of the worker and the accurate completion of a job requirement.
  • Having a first aid kit in the work area is also necessary so that quick response and cure can be applied in case of any injuries.

Source/s:                         hardware-servicing-learning-module



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